Work: Uni of Liverpool – C-GULL Study

Work: Uni of Birmingham – ELSA Study

Work: Uni of Birmingham – ADEPP Study

Work: Oxford Population Health – CTT Study

SAGE Journal: Evaluating the use of multimedia participant information

To compare two methods of providing information about the Bone Anchored Maxillary Protraction (BAMP) trial:

Work: Uni of Sheffield – HELP Fertility Trial

How much does animation cost?

It’s a tricky question to answer as it depends on a lot of factors – but we’ll try our best to do it here, to save us doing it again and again in emails!

The UKALL 2011 Trial

Randomised Trial Investigating a Short Induction Dexamethasone Schedule for Children and Young Adults with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.

TRECA landing page

Digitrial – Clinical Trial Study Websites